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Your support enables us to give back.

How your support enables KCC to give back to the community.

As a valued customer of Kiwi Commercial Cleaning, you are directly contributing to the Child Matters organisation. We wish to thank you for choosing our services, as your support enables us to give back to the community.

KCC’s offering to Child Matters is refreshingly unique. Rather than making sporadic and unpredictable donations, we have set up an automatic monthly payment which ensures a reliable income for the charity’s budgeting purposes.

Unlike many other countries, in New Zealand child protection training is not mandatory for professionals or volunteers who work with children and young people. This means teachers, sports coaches and even social workers may never have received training relating to child abuse and neglect, how to recognise the signs of abuse, and how to respond if risk is identified.

Child Matters is a charity that works with all sectors including professionals, community organisations, families and whānau, to deliver training, provide advice regarding policy and procedures, and recommend resources regarding child protection issues. For the many people Child Matters deliver these services to, it is the only child protection training they have received.

Kiwi Commercial Cleaning Co is a socially responsive business whose ongoing supports allows our organisation to reach more people each year.  They are an example of how business can be invested in the community they live and work in.

More information is available at

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